Home and Family
Through our Family and Consumer Sciences program, K-State Research and Extension is able to provide knowledge for life relating to home and family. Through our programs, classes, publications, newsletters, columns, and much more, our agents provide you Knowledge for Life.
Home and Family page on the K-State Research and Extension site
Available Home and Family Resources
Need Help Understanding Medicare and Selecting Prescription Drugs or a Supplement?
Are you turning 65 and wondering how to sign up for Medicare? Maybe you know how to sign up but need assistance figuring out what Medicare Supplement you need, or maybe you are wondering how to sign up or switch Medicare Part D Plans. If you would like help with Medicare issues, stop by the Marshall County Extension Office and pick up a booklet, or set up an appointment to talk with Susie for one-on-one assistance. Medicare Part D Open Enrollment is from October 15 to December 7. Or find more information about Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage and the low income subsidy.
How to Use the Medicare Plan Finder
Need help with tax preparation?
Many people 65 years and older don’t have to file taxes, but should file taxes so they can receive their Homestead Refund. In order to qualify for the Homestead Refund you must own your own home. Taxes will be prepared through the Marshall County Extension Office for families, no matter what your age. Susie will not prepare complex returns involving: farm and business income, but is left to her discretion. See a list of locations to receive free tax preparation assistance.
Affordable Care Act
Under 65 and looking for health insurance for you and your family? Open enrollment is November 15 to February 15. There are special enrollments for a variety of situations including marriage, divorce, incarceration, changing jobs, and other reasons. To find out more about the Health Insurance Market Place, or to see if you qualify for a special enrollment period.
If you need help navigating the system or understanding your health insurance choices contact Susie at the Marshall County Extension Office
Helpful Links
Selecting a Medicare Drug Plan
Selection a Medicare Supplement